Letter: Cal Poly Humboldt faculty demand resignation


Cal Poly Humboldt Faculty & Staff Demand for Immediate Termination of Jackson, Johnson

Cal Poly Humboldt Faculty & Staff
Demand for Immediate removal and termination of President Tom
Jackson and Chief of Staff Mark Johnson

A group of staff and faculty drafted this preamble to the letter below, which we are sharing with the media on behalf of 320 staff and faculty members at Cal Poly Humboldt.

On April 29, 2024, we sent the following letter to leaders who have the power to hold President Tom Jackson and Chief of Staff Mark Johnson accountable for unilateral decisions that have significantly hurt all of us: Chancellor Mildred Garcia, Governor Gavin Newsom, and the CSU Board of Trustees. We have not yet heard from any of them. So we now turn to the media to explain our position and to make visible to the Humboldt community and broader public our solidarity on the issue of termination of Jackson and Johnson. The campus cannot move toward any kind of healing with Tom Jackson and Mark Johnson in leadership positions at our university. Their removal are necessary precursors for restoring a safe educational environment for students and community members.

Over its history, our campus has seen a number of building occupations and angry demonstrations by students. Previous actions by students have been handled by the university in a completely different manner than what we just experienced. The violent and fearful response by our administration is unprecedented. It contradicts the myriad of respectful and positive ways that our previous campus leaders engaged with students involved in protests and demonstrations.

From the beginning of the sit-in in Siemens Hall on April 22, 2024, some administrators, faculty, and staff were on the ground working with student protesters through de-escalation, productive dialogue, and non-violent resolution, in line with past practice and precedent. We were committed to keeping all students, including student protestors, from harm. Yet on both April 22 and April 29, President Tom Jackson authorized multiple law enforcement units to arrest student protestors.

Without notice, Jackson also authorized a “hard closure” of the University on April 27, prohibiting all students, staff, and faculty from access to campus. HUMBOLDT ALERT messages to employees about the hard closure include the language that “Failure to follow this directive may lead to corrective or disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.” The hard closure escalated fear and stress for students and campus employees. It exponentially increased the labor of campus staff, such as facilities managers, grounds people, and information technology resources staff. It has forced faculty to hold office hours on their phones or in their driveways as students scramble to study for finals. Students have not been able to access the library or their work in science labs and art studios. Most crucially, the hard closure made our campus community feel unsafe, and it especially caused worry and confusion for students. Faculty and staff were and still are opposed to the hard closure. It was yet another leadership decision made without consultation of faculty and staff. It remains in place as of this writing.

Faculty and staff don’t agree on everything. As per the 320 signatories below, what we do agree on is that Tom Jackson and Mark Johnson have demonstrated that they do not align with our values and repeated calls for peaceful resolution, and they should not be engaged in any additional decisions regarding the situation on campus. Their decisions only created unsafe conditions for all of our students. Our demand for immediate termination of Tom Jackson and Mark Johnson is only one of our current priorities in regard to all of the work we have in front of us. It marks a shared commitment of 320 staff and faculty, and it represents what we believe is the consensus of the university community. _____________________________________________________________________________________

We, the faculty and staff of Cal Poly Humboldt, urgently demand the immediate removal and termination of President Tom Jackson and Chief of Staff Mark A. Johnson from their positions at our institution. Their repeatedly extreme and reckless actions in response to recent campus protests have systematically endangered students, staff, and faculty, undermined the

principles of shared governance, and shattered any remaining trust in their leadership.

President Jackson and Chief of Staff Johnson’s decision to deploy law enforcement against student demonstrators on April 22, 2024 resulted in direct physical harm to members of our campus community. The President’s decisions to bring in law enforcement, before even attempting to communicate with student protestors, followed by the “hard campus closure” on April 27, 2024 has intensified rather than de-escalated the situation. The president has not communicated with members of the campus community, including faculty and staff, at any point since April 22. Jackson and Johnson’s permission for excessive use of police force, coupled with a complete absence of consultation with us, and Jackson’s repeated avoidance of communication and visible leadership since his hire, demonstrate a disregard for the safety of our students, disrespect for faculty and staff, and an alarming lack of understanding of our campus culture.

Furthermore, the administration’s persistent lack of transparency throughout this crisis has eroded our ability to function as a collaborative academic institution. Decisions affecting the entire university have been made without any input from shared governance bodies. This unilateral approach renders meaningful dialogue and problem-solving impossible.

The faculty’s overwhelming vote of no-confidence in President Jackson on April 25th underscores the gravity of this situation. Vote tally out of 203 present voters was 193 affirmative; 3 nos, and 7 abstentions. We have lost faith in President Jackson and Chief of Staff Johnson’s ability to lead Cal Poly Humboldt with integrity, foresight, or concern for the well-being of our learning community.

We demand President Tom Jackson and Chief of Staff Mark Johnson’s immediate removal to restore the principles of shared governance, transparency, and accountability that are essential for Cal Poly Humboldt and the California State University system to thrive.

  1. James F. Woglom, Chair of the University Senate and General Faculty President, Co-Chair of the School of Education
  2. Monty Mola, Immediate Past General Faculty President & University Senate Chair, Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy,
  3. Mary Virnoche, ASCSU Senator, Past General Faculty President & University Senate Chair, Professor of Sociology
  4. Stephanie Burkhalter, ASCSU Senator, Past General Faculty President & University Senate Chair, Professor of Sociology, Professor, Politics
  5. Timothy Miller, Vice Chair of University Senate Chair of Faculty Affairs Committee, Librarian
  6. Nicole Jean Hill, Faculty Senator, Chair and Professor of Art, Department of Art & Film
  7. Christopher W. Harmon, Faculty Senator, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  8. Shelbi Schroeder, Faculty Senator, Art and Film,
  9. Arianna Thobaben, Faculty Senator, Learning Center, School of Education
    1. Kimberly Stelter, Faculty Senator, Librarian, University Library
    2. Marissa Ramsier, Faculty Senator, Professor and Chair of Anthropology
    3. Jim Graham, Faculty Senator, Environmental Science & Management
  1. Ara Pachmayer, Faculty Senator, School of Applied Health
  2. Rouhollah Aghasaleh, Faculty Senator, School of Education
  3. Frank Cappuccio, Faculty Senator, Dept of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Biological Sciences
  4. Lisa Tremain, Associate Professor and Chair of English, Chair of Philosophy
  5. Tani Sebro, Associate Professor, Politics
  6. Gabi Kirk, Assistant Professor, Geography, Environment, and Spatial Analysis
  7. Holland Heese, Lecturer, Mathematics
  8. Christina Hsu Accomando, Professor, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies & Education and English
  9. Sarah Ray, Chair, Environmental Studies
  10. Dawn Goley, Biological Sciences
  11. Prof. Marschke, History
  12. Cindy Moyer, Chair , Dance, Music, and Theatre
  13. Howard Benjamin Shaeffer, Philosophy
  14. L. Rae Robison, Theatre
  15. George Wrenn, Librarian, University Library
  1. Maria Bartlett, Professor Emerita, Social Work
  2. Bonnie Ludka, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering
  3. Andrea Delgado, Faculty, Department of English, Cal Poly Humboldt
  4. Torisha Khonach, PhD, lecturer and alumni, Sociology
  5. Kerry Marsden, English
  6. Dr. Roberto Mónico, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies
  7. Marcos Hernandez, Lecturer, English
  8. Nicolette Amann, Cal Poly Humboldt
  9. María Corral Rocha, Lecturer, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies
  10. Janaee’ N. Sykes – Academic Advisor
  11. Dominic Corva, Director of Cannabis Studies, Department of Sociology
  12. Sarita Ray Chaudhury, PhD, Cal Poly Humboldt
  13. Savannah Carpenter CAHSS Staff
  14. Caglar Dolek, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
  15. Abigail Smithson, Lecturer, Art+Film
  16. Jennifer L. Eichstedt, Professor, Sociology
  1. Eliseo Casiano, Art + Film
  2. Marianne Ahokas, English
  3. Janet Winston, Professor, English
  4. Julie Alderson, Professor, Department of Art + Film
  5. Tristan Gleason, School of Education
  6. Nate Swenson, Forest, Fire, & Rangeland Management, Lecturer
  7. Jennifer Brown, English
  8. Dave Woody, Art + Film
  9. Alyssa Semerdjian, Biological Sciences
  10. Heal McKnight, Lecturer, Dept. of English
  11. Jocelyne Takatsuno, Sponsored Programs Foundation
  12. Julie Slater North, Faculty, Social Work Department
  13. Qualla Jo Ketchum, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering
  14. Mary Glenn, Professor, Anthropology
  15. Stacey Salinas, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Education, Ethnic Studies
  16. Rob Keever, Dean of Students Office
  1. Carly Slade, Assistant Professor, Art + Film
  2. Dave Jannetta, Assistant Professor, Art + Film, Film Program Lead
  3. Nicola Waugh, Art + Film
  4. Stephen Nachtigall, Art + Film
  5. Noah Zerbe, Professor, Politics
  6. Frank Fogarty, Assistant Professor, Department of Wildlife
  7. Tyler Hooker IST-II Physics & Astronomy
  8. Katie Koscielak, Lecturer ENST & GEOG
  9. Pamela Brown Professor Emerita
  10. Danielle Cenotti, Community Relations Support Assistant
  11. Gillian Black, Academic and Career Advising
  12. Lindsay Kessner Art + Film
  13. Erin M. Sullivan, Lecturer, Department of English
  14. Cara Peters, Sponsored Programs Foundation
  15. Sondra Schwetman, Associate Professor, Art +Film
  16. Tanner Hooven, Lecturer, Department of Physics and Astronomy
  17. Amanda Dinscore, Library
  1. Angela Turner, Sponsored Programs Foundation
  2. Cinthya Ammerman, Assistant Professor NAS
  3. Russell “Carlos” Gaskell, Department of World Languages and Cultures – Spanish Program
  4. Roxann Schroeder, Lecturer, Biology and ESM
  5. Mary Scoggin, Professor, Anthropology
  6. Brianne Hagen, CPH Librarian Faculty
  7. Grace Coleman ASC II School of Business
  8. Joshua Smith, Chair of Chemistry & Biochemistry
  9. Daniel Barton, Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Wildlife
  10. Sharon Tuttle, Professor, Computer Science
  11. Guy Aronoff, Emeritus Instructor Humboldt
  12. Nicole Kita, Lecturer, Art + Film
  13. Shannon Rocha, Engineering Professional Experiences Coordinator
  14. Sintana Vergara, Associate Professor, Environmental Resources Engineering
  15. Tyler J. Evans, Professor of Mathematics
  16. Llyn Smith, Professor Emeritus Anthropology
  1. Mat Whiteley – Lecturer, Art and Film
  2. Paul Michael L. Atienza, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Education
  3. Hallie Lepphaille, Program Coordinator & Academic Advisor, School of Education
  4. Michihiro Sugata, Associate Professor, Sociology
  5. Sara Hart, Lecturer and Program Leader, Religious Studies
  6. Jocelyn Heaney English Dept.
  7. Edward Carpenter, EOP/Student Support Services
  8. Leslie WS Rodelander, Sponsored Programs Foundation
  9. Brianne Lee, Greenhouse Collections Manager
  10. Jeremy Nichols, Administrative Coordinator, Native American Studies/Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Education
  11. Kate Foley-Beining, World Languages and Cultures
  12. Kerry M. Byrne, Associate Professor, Environmental Science and Management
  13. Marilyn Koch, Lecturer, Art + Film
  14. Carisse Geronimo, Schatz Energy Research Center
  15. Ryder Dschida, History Education, Cal Poly Humboldt
  1. Richard N Brown, Faculty in Wildlife
  2. Anthony Silvaggio, Sociology
  3. Stefanie Israel de Souza, Assistant Professor, Sociology
  4. Elizabeth A.Eschenbach, Professor and Program Lead of Environmental Resources Engineering, School of Engineering
  5. Isaac Torres, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Education Lecturer & Academic Advisor
  6. Justin Egan, Lecturer, English.
  7. Jean Pfaelzer, Affiliated Professor of History
  8. Susan Morrison – Biology stockroom manager
  9. Dan Aldag, Music
  10. Dr. Laura Johnson, Geography, Environment, and Spatial Analysis
  11. Emily West, Lecturer, Dept of Physics and Astronomy
  12. Julie Raich Dieme, World Languages & Cultures
  13. Maral N. Attallah, Distinguished Lecturer, Dept. of Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies
  14. Robert Cliver, Professor of History, Cal Poly Humboldt
  15. Christiana Frye Sponsored Program Foundation
  16. Tessa Head, Lecturer, English
  1. Mark Wilson. Biological Sciences
  2. Mark Castro, Lecturer Anthropology; Cultural Resources Facility
  3. JM Black, Wildlife Professor
  4. Nina Misch, Lecturer, Department of Social Work
  5. Gary Lewis, Music
  6. Daniel Busch, Research associate, Cultural Resources Facility
  7. Maghan Maberry Cultural Resources Facility
  8. Edward Brenneman, lecturer Chemistry
  9. Elizabeth Rivera, Dance Faculty
  10. John Chernoff, Music Department
  11. Allison Bronson, Biological Sciences
  12. JoAnne Berke, Professor Emerita
  13. Awbrey Yost, Lecturer, Environmental Science & Management
  14. Gina Tuzzi, Art and Film
  15. Taylor Picard, Lecturer and Research Associate, Department of Anthropology Cultural Resources Facility
  16. Su Karl, Learning Center
  1. M. E. Stone, Gallery Assistant
  2. Romi Hitchcock Tinseth, Communication
  3. Natalie Giannini, English
  4. Whitney Ogle – Associate Professor School of Applied Health
  5. Erik Jules, Department of Biological Sciences
  6. Jennifer Trowbridge, Lecturer, Department of Dance, Music, and Theatre
  7. Dr. Renée M. Byrd, Associate Professor of English
  8. Dylan McClure, Lecturer, Social Work
  9. Rosemary Sherriff, Professor, Department of Geography, Environment & Spatial Analysis
  10. Robin Bencie, Biological Sciences
  11. Henry Solares, Staff Member, RAMP
  12. Carly Marino, Librarian
  13. Christopher Cox, Music
  14. Kaz Wegmuller, Sponsored Programs Foundation
  15. Brandice Guerra, Art + Film
  16. Catalina Cuellar-Gempeler, Biological Sciences
  1. Gayle Olson-Raymer, Emerita, Department of History
  2. Yvonne Doble, Social Work
  3. Daniela Mineva, Professor Music
  4. Celesté Tamayo, Post-Master’s Resident, Counseling & Psychological Services
  5. Sharyn Marks, Professor, Biological Sciences
  6. Kelda Quintana, Academic Advisor, Academic Advising Center
  7. Austin Roberts, Lecturer, Religious Studies
  8. Jack Murphy, Lecturer, Dept. of Environmental Science and Management
  9. Meridith Oram, Academic Advisor
  10. Dane Oppenborn, Program Support Specialist College of Extended Education and Global Engagement
  11. Dakota Hamilton, Professor Emerita, Department of History
  12. Alison Holmes, Professor Politics & International Studies
  13. Joan Eleanor Trejo – Cal Poly Humboldt, Geography
  14. Tielor Stanger-Lopez, Research Associate with Cultural Resources Facility
  15. Paul Bourdeau, Biological Sciences
  1. Amy Rock, Geography, Environment, and Spatial Analysis
  2. Paul Geck, Lecturer, Dept. of History
  3. Elias Pence, Equal Opportunity Program/Student Support Services Advisor/Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Education Instructor
  4. Zedekiah Minkin, Cultural Resources Facility
  5. Andrea Alstone, Facilities Management
  6. Stephanie Corigliano, PhD, Lecturer, Religious Studies
  7. Emily Jones, Biological Sciences
  8. Glenn Tinseth, Cal Poly Humboldt Chemistry Lecturer
  9. Kelly Fortner, Staff Member, Center for Community Based Learning
  10. Emily Lavrador, Lecturer, English
  11. Seth Bradley – Research Analyst (IRAR), Alum (Politics), Grad Student (Sociology)
  12. Alejandro Torres, CAPS Staff Psychotherapist
  13. Nassie Danesh, Staff Psychotherapist, Counseling & Psychological Services
  14. Ian Guerrero, Schatz Energy Research Center
  15. Gema Quiroz Torres, Staff
  1. Maritza Herrera, Staff
  2. Antonio Barillas, Staff Psychotherapist, CAPS
  3. Carrie Walpole, Lecturer, Dance, Music, and Theatre
  4. Shannon Rocha, Engineering Professional Experiences Coordinator
  5. Sarah Ben-Zvi, English Department Lecturer
  6. Maxwell Schnurer, Ph.D., Professor and chair of Communication
  7. Nicola Walters, Lecturer, Cal Poly Humboldt
  8. Joice Chang, Professor and Chair, Department of Politics
  9. Libbi Miller, School of Education
  10. Annika Bäckström, Music
  11. Rachael Wade, Assistant Professor, Dept of Biological Sciences
  12. Laura Levy, Associate Professor, Geology
  13. Betsy Rogers, Academic Advisor, College of Extended Education and Global Engagement
  14. Erica Ashby, Case Manager, Student Health & Wellbeing Services
  15. Melanie Michalak, Associate Professor, Geology Department
  16. Kelsi Guerrero, Lecturer Psychology Department
  17. Xelha Puc, Staff
  1. Sara K. Sterner, Assistant Professor, School of Education
  2. Enrique Guerrero, Visiting Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy
  3. Kaitlin Reed, Assistant Professor, Native American Studies
  4. Laura Levy, Associate Professor, Geology
  5. Jacqueline Mayrand, LMFT, CAPS Clinical Coordinator and Counselor Faculty
  6. Matthew Dean, World Languages & Cultures
  7. Kevin Fingerman, Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Management
  8. Jacky Baughman, Assistant Professor, Geology
  9. Dr. Michelle Cartier – Art & Film | TRiO Educational Talent Search
  10. Virginia Ryder, Music
  11. Binta Wright, Sponsored Programs Foundation
  12. Elwira Salata, lecturer
  13. Stacy Becker – Center for Community Based Learning
  14. Amber M. Gaffney, Associate Professor of Social Psychology
  15. Howard Kaufman, Lecturer , Dance, Music, and Theatre
  1. Lisa Turay, Staff Psychotherapist and Training Coordinator, CAPS
  2. Nicholas Perdue – Associate Professor, Geography Environment & Spatial Analysis
  3. Christopher M Steenbock, Faculty, Biological Sciences
  4. Jennifer L. Oliphant, Psychology
  5. Benjamin Anjewierden, Lecturer, Department of Psychology
  6. Amanda Hahn, Associate Professor, Psychology
  7. Linda Maxwell – Dance Faculty, Dance and Theatre Program Leader
  8. Taylor Bloedon, Associate Professor, School of Applied Health
  9. Colin Wingfield, Technician, School of Engineering
  10. Alexandru Tomescu, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
  11. Josh Meisel, Professor of Sociology
  12. Stefani Brandt, Biological Sciences
  13. Michael Fabian, Lecturer, Dance, Music, and Theatre
  14. Krista Pomeroy, Administrative Support
  15. Brandilynn Villarreal, Associate Professor of Psychology
  16. Gabriel Goff, Lecturer, Forestry Department
  17. Tony Wallin-Sato, Dept. of Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies
  1. Sarah Lasley, Art + Film
  2. Erika Demers, Staff Psychotherapist, Counseling and Psychological Services
  3. Stephanie Souter, Lecturer Psychology
  4. David Tuttle, Lecturer in Computer Science
  5. Stephen C. Sillett, Department of Forestry, Fire, and Rangeland Management
  6. Kyleigh Brine, Dance, Music & Theatre
  7. Ben Kovitz, Assistant Professor, Computer Science
  8. Yoon G Kim, Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
  9. Darren Ward, Professor, Fisheries
  10. Jose R. Marin Jarrin, Department of Fisheries Biology
  11. Hyun-Kyung You, Child Development
  12. Garrick Woods, Music Department
  13. Garrett Purchio, Librarian, University Library
  14. Barbara Goldberg, Emerita Lecturer English
  15. Jeff Kane Forestry, Fire, and Rangeland Management
  16. Matthew J. Koelling Institutional Research, Analytics, and Reporting
  1. Kyle Morgan, Librarian
  2. Jennifer Marlow, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Management
  3. Tim Payer, Lecturer, Math Department
  4. Toby Walker, Information Technology Services Staff and Alumni
  5. Aaron Donaldson, Communication Studies
  6. Beth Wilson, Department of Economics
  7. Iván González-Soto, Lecturer, Department of Environmental Studies
  8. Christine Cass, Chair and Associate Professor, Oceanography
  9. Edwin Espinoza, Information Technology Consultant, ITS
  10. Joseph M. Szewczak, Professor, Dept of Biological Sciences
  11. Nancy Perez, Assistant Professor, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies
  12. Marie Antoine, Department of Forestry, Fire, & Rangeland Management
  13. Jill Anderson, School of Applied Health
  14. Sonja Manor, Mathematics
  15. Kate Lancaster, Faculty Emerita and Lecturer, School of Business
  1. Christina Martinek, Lecturer, Sociology Department
  2. John Chandler, Philosophy
  3. David Franklin, Schatz Energy Research Center
  4. Azure Pellegrino, Lecturer, Psychology
  5. Melea Smith, Youth Educational Services
  6. Jo Archibald, Assistant Professor, Environmental Resources Engineering
  7. Mari Sanchez, Associate Professor, Psychology
  8. Claire Till, Associate Professor of Chemistry
  9. Peter Goetz, Professor, Department of Mathematics
  10. Jeffrey Frederick, Lecturer, Psychology
  11. Dr. Heather Ballinger, School of Education
  12. John Reiss, Professor, Biological Sciences
  13. Oscar M Vargas-Hernandez, Assistant Professor, Herbarium Director, Department of Biological Sciences
  14. Jen Petullo, Lecturer, Psychology
  15. Kevin Colando, Academic Analyst, Nursing/Psychology
  16. Justin Luong, Department of Forestry, Fire, and Rangeland Management
  1. Ramesh Adhikari, Faculty, School of Business
  2. Jen Maguire, Professor of Social Work
  3. Dove Byrne, School of Business
  4. Marlette Grant-Jackson – ITEPP Native American Center
  5. Jacqueline Silva, Lecturer, Dance, Music, and Theatre
  6. Mira Friedman, Lead for Health Education and Clinic Support
  7. Professor Berrill, Dept of Forestry, Fire and Rangeland Mgmt
  8. Kayla Begay, Chair, Native American Studies
  9. Sean Craig, Biological Sciences
  10. C.D. Hoyle, Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
  11. Pia Gabriel, Sponsored Programs Foundation
  12. Matt Johnson, Dept of Wildlife
  13. Sarah Peters Gonzalez, Academic Advising & Lecturer
  14. Alison O’Dowd, Environmental Science & Management
  15. Jennie Brown, Clinic RN II, Student Health & Wellbeing Services
  16. Julia Kandus, Psychology Department Lecturer
  17. Corrina Wells, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies and


  1. Marie Stoll, Lecturer. World Languages and Cultures
  2. Joseph Dieme, Professor, World Languages and Cultures
  3. Eden Donahue, School of Applied Health
  4. Sarah Whorf, Professor, Art+Film
  5. Deidre Pike, Professor Journalism
  6. Benjamin Graham, Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology
  7. Niki Conley, Art Department
  8. Scott Paynton, Professor, Communication
  9. Jeff Abell Oceanography
  10. Amy Lennox, Office of the Registrar
  11. Brittany Sheldon, Art + Film Department
  12. Dr. Nikola Hobbel, English Education
  13. Laura K. Hahn, Professor Emerita
  14. Marissa O’Neill Social Work
  15. Ines Morales – Center for Community Based Learning
  16. Blake Brown, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
  1. Darci Miranda – Staff
  2. Erin Kelly, Forestry, Fire, and Rangeland Management
  3. Shalom Fletcher – Center for Community Based Learning
  4. Ross Mackinney, Lecturer
  5. Elena Padrón, Associate Professor of Psychology
  6. Gino Pitino, Center for Community Based Learning

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Study reveals complex campus parking problem with solutions still far-off

Struggles at the Station

Floods and frequent power outages caused issues for KRFH during the fall semester

Dr. Cornel West Talks Truth

Selling out in less than a week, Dr. Cornel West commanded the stage with emotion and power

News Recap: HSU Budget

The Humboldt State University budget proposal is under overview from President Jackson

Walking and Wildlife Tracking

A group of students and community members wandered around Redwood Creek to track the local wildlife

Turner and Thrower: Leading Ladies

Humboldt State Lady Lumberjacks’ dynamic duo Tyra Turner and Alexia Thrower show no signs of slowing down

The Failure of U.S Soccer

The United States men’s national team has not made much progress since failing to qualify for the 2018 World Cup

Trees are Here to Help

How planting trees can serve as one branch of a climate action plan

33 Months

Living in a community full of love, fear and a growing void of justice

Work Out for a Cause

Humboldt State students partner with Campaign One At A Time to raise money for a child’s dream

Dreams in Between

Cast and crew of “Dreamers: Aquí y Allá” shed light on complexities of immigration

New Grant Lends Helping Hand

Mental health grant seeks to address adverse childhood experiences in Humboldt

Spreading Warmth for Winter

Many organizations around Humboldt County provide warm clothing for little or no cost.

So You Want to Compost

Composting can be one of the most beneficial ways to handle waste

Instagram Updates Are Wack

With each new update comes new changes that seem to have no input from the user community.

Ask Evergreen: Ant Avoider

Mint, peppermint and spearmint essential oils are safe alternatives to bug sprays.

Decision Time for DACA

Supreme Court set to determine future of over 700,000 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy recipients.

Tull Impresses at National Championships

HSU cross country runner Daniel Tull places 56th out of 267 competitors at the Division II National Championships in Sacramento.

Turkey Doomsday

Investigations have found that many large-scale poultry farms keep their birds intentionally overweight and injected with hormones.

Protest Timeline from Faculty Senate Chair James Woglom

Senate Chair’s Report for the Week of May 7th, 2024 From Senate Chair James Woglom: This week’s Senate Chair report outlines my experiences in the role of Senate Chair and General Faculty President between the evening of Monday April, 22nd

Staying in the moment and being mindful with meditation

By Gabriel Zucker The thought of sitting down, doing nothing, just breathing, sounds very pointless. This was my view of meditation for a long time. Why spend time getting my mind right when there is so much stuff to do

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